TL;DR: Get hands-on hacking practice in the All-in-One Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle on sale for $34.97 through March 30.

How do you learn to hack? As useful as it is for cybersecurity jobs, hacking is kind of hard to practice without an instructor and a controlled lab where you can test out what you've learned.
If you want a structured, hands-on approach to the practicalities of hacking in the industry, then check out the All-in-One Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle while it's on sale for $34.97 (reg. $1,098).
What's on the menu
This bundle has 18 courses and a lot to show you. There's no set progression path, so you pick where you want to start. If you're a total beginner, you can start with entry-level courses like the Complete Python 3 Ethical Hacking Course. That one has a full eight hours of lessons showing you everything from how to hack Windows machines to setting up an email scraper.
Other courses take a more focused approach. Website Hacking in Practice and Server Security with BitNinja both teach you new skills and tools that are common in the industry.
If you want a little hands-on experience, check out Hacking Wireless Networks. That's where you learn how to prepare your own training environment so you can actually practice safely and legally. There's even a 180-page course handbook to study.
There's a lot to learn, but no rush to study. All course material is yours for life, so take your time.
The only rush is to get access before the price goes up.
You have until March 30 at 11:59 p.m. PT to get the All-in-One Super-Sized Ethical Hacking Bundle on sale for $34.97.
StackSocial prices subject to change.
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