Los Alamos

The secretive lab that built ‘the bomb’ now scours Mars for signs of life

by Mark Kaufman

The military planted a large sign along the only road out of Los Alamos, New Mexico in the early 1940s. The black, half-cursive, almost playful lettering on a white background asked anyone leaving the government facility a question:

“Are you continuing to protect project information?”

The “project” was the Manhattan Project, devoted to building the world’s first atomic bomb. And it was being built in a place that – as far as the U.S. government was concerned – didn’t exist.

The thousands of scientists, engineers, and soldiers residing in a town of hastily assembled buildings, old wood cabins, and lines of trailers were forbidden from discussing the sprawling laboratory, which couldn’t be found on any maps.

“Back then, nobody said anything about your job,” Alan Carr, Los Alamos National Laboratory’s official government historian, said in an interview. “You didn’t talk about it with your family, period.”

Mars’ Victoria Crater

NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

The secrecy paid off. Not two and half years later, the U.S Air Force dropped the completed bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But even with its business finished, Los Alamos remained open, and its ambitions soon spread well beyond Earth – to Mars.

The lab was a place already teeming with some of the planet’s most brilliant minds and advanced technologies, both necessary for Mars-bound missions. So, after the Manhattan Project ended, they put those minds to work figuring out new ways to get our technology to the red planet.

Seven decades after U.S. planes swooped over Japan and dropped the destructive weapons, I sat in the passenger seat of a Prius belonging to Roger Wiens, a planetary scientist at Los Alamos. Wiens drove us up to the lab gates, tailed by a government SUV carrying press escorts. Wiens showed his badge, and glanced over at me, before telling the guard: “I vouch.” And we entered the grounds.

The Arabia Terra region on Mars

These days, the sign reminding bomb-builders to keep the project secret is long gone. And the lab certainly isn’t a hush-hush desert world. Los Alamos’ towering structures can be spotted from miles away. But still, most outsiders can’t step foot onto the lab grounds – you need clearance.

To a large degree – but not totally – times at Los Alamos, had changed.

The laser

Wiens may be a Department of Energy government researcher, but his thoughts are millions of miles away.

He built his own telescope before the age of 10, to gaze at Mars. Today, Wiens heads the team that built the camera that’s currently placed atop NASA’s Curiosity rover, the six-wheeled robot that’s gradually traversing up a rock-strewn Martian mountain, Mount Sharp, amidst a dust storm.

And for the past year, Wiens has been putting the finishing touches on a new, upgraded camera that will perch high above NASA’s next car-sized rover, to be launched to Mars in 2020.

The device, called SuperCam, won’t just be taking pictures when it flies off-world. It will fire lasers to detect the make-up of rocks and chemicals from 25 feet away. Wiens’ camera is meant to sleuth out where the exploration rover should go after it lands in the boundless, windswept Martian desert, all in the name of figuring out which places might preserve past signs of life – should there be any.

An artist’s rendition of the SuperCam atop the Mars 2020 rover.


“SuperCam really is a critical instrument for us,” Ken Williford, NASA’s Deputy Project Scientist for the 2020 rover mission, said in an interview. “We use it for target triage – there’s so many interesting places to go.”

As Wiens accelerated past the lab gate and entered the vast facility, he waved his hand across the windshield at the endless variety of buildings, a story or two in height, sprawled everywhere over the high desert.

“The lab is spread out,” he said, with a slight grin. “Which is nice – if you’re using explosives.”

Getting to Wiens’ lab requires passing through a second, more austere checkpoint. A guard scoured my passport before motioning Wiens ahead.

In this area of the town-like facility, amidst high-desert pines and patches of snow kept cool by the early March chill, Los Alamos brews glowing, radioactive fuel, which is used to power the Martian rovers. Wiens’ lab sits in the basement of a nearby 1950s-era cinderblock building, far from the radioactive material.

Roger Wiens.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Here, the SuperCam team zaps rocks with lasers, in preparation for the real thing, on a planet 140 million miles away, on average.

Down in the basement, Wiens’ team powered up the laser. “It concentrates the power of one million light bulbs onto an area the size of a pinhead,” he said.

A chunk of fool’s gold, or pyrite, is the test subject, positioned some 10 feet from the device – similar to the one going to Mars. (Scientists are working on Mars-bound components in a Los Alamos lab designed to keep out contaminants.)

The laser blasts the rocks some 30 times in succession, producing blue-green flashes of light. When the laser strikes the rock, it creates a snapping or popping sound, and leaves a blackened dot on the rock’s surface.

These flashes are key. 

A laser fires on fool’s gold in Wein’s Los Alamos lab.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

The laser’s energy excites the target’s atoms, producing the ephemeral flickers. By looking at these flashes of light, each with a unique signature, the SuperCam can then analyze what any given target is made out of, like organic materials microbes may have once munched on.

The Martian terrain, though, has been dried out, frozen, and irradiated for billions of years.

“It may not yield its secrets easily,” said Wiens. The lasers will fire into ancient clays, where springs once bubbled and great lakes pooled over valley floors. It will fire thousands of shots per week, hunting for some sign of past life that might be hiding on Mars.

“When we’re doing planetary science, we have to expect the unexpected,” he said.

The floor of the expansive Hellas Basin on Mars.

Martian dreams

Los Alamos wasn’t supposed to be around for long. The lab’s purpose was to be secretly productive in its quest to build the most powerful bomb the world had ever known, and then to vanish after the explosives were used.

“There was nothing here,” said Wiens. “No one knew about it.”

But after the bombs dropped, Los Alamos remained. “The lab stayed in business,” said Carr, Los Alamos’ historian. “We stick around as the Cold War deteriorates.”

And with the Cold War came the need for Los Alamos to enter the space race. 

Mars-bound SuperCam components await in a Los Alamos clean room.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

In 1957, the Soviets launched the first-ever satellite into space, Sputnik. But already, two years earlier, Los Alamos had grander space designs. In 1955, it had launched Project Rover, an ambitious rocket program.

But this wasn’t like the rockets that sent men to the moon nor the rockets flying today. This was a rocket that made use of Los Alamos’ specific expertise: It was a powerful nuclear-powered rocket, for deep space exploration.

“The idea behind Rover was not to put something on the moon,” said Carr, “but to put it to the Soviets."

For nearly two decades, until 1973, Los Alamos worked intensely on its nuclear-powered rocket.

“Close to half the lab was working just on the program,” said Carr. It was profoundly sophisticated science. “If you think rocket science is hard - try nuclear rocket science,” he said.

A variety of nuclear reactors were built and successfully tested for the rocket, culminating in a massive 1968 test of a reactor that produced enough energy to power some 800,000 homes.

But then, the money went dry. 

The Mars 2020 lab.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Vietnam War, NASA’s massive moon exploration budget, and President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society spending had left the nation’s coffers bare, explained Carr.

The United States could no longer afford its nuclear rocket, nor its Martian ambitions.

“We’re exploring Mars now but had plans to do it in the 1960s,” said Carr.

However, he notes that Wien’s robotic eye, on the dust-covered Curiosity rover, is there today – and a more advanced one, SuperCam, is on its way.

“Roger [Wiens] is on Mars right now,” said Carr. “It’s almost like we’re taking care of unfinished business.”

Even after the nuclear rocket program died out, Los Alamos kept its interest in space. 

A dried-out water basin on Mars.


In 1963, the U.S. and Soviet Union were both parties to a landmark ban on testing nuclear weapons – above ground, anyways. To ensure the Soviets didn’t set off radioactive bombs on Earth’s surface, the U.S. decided to spy from above, using Los Alamos’ remote-detecting satellites.

While Los Alamos’ satellites have been successful at patrolling for nuclear activity from above, finding past evidence of life on Mars won’t be so easy; not least because NASA has been scouring the planet for decades without finding any promising signs of life.

But the coming 2020 rover, fitted with the laser-shooting, SuperCam, will have advantages over previous robotic explorers which couldn’t spy minerals on Mars from a good distance away, giving scientists an improved ability to send the rover to the places of most interest, or potential.

And Wiens will be one of the scientists, sitting around a large table at Los Alamos, assessing what the SuperCam finds as it fires lasers around the Martian surface, leaving black marks on the red rock.

It’s a different way for Wiens to study Mars, decades after he stared up at the red planet as a child, with his homemade telescope.

“My Martian past came back to haunt me,” Wiens said with a smile.

The reporting for this article was partially supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Daybreak on the red planet


  • Writer

    Mark Kaufman

  • Science Editor

    Miriam Kramer

  • Features Editor

    Brittany Levine Beckman

  • Illustration

    Vicky Leta

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